As already noted in my deadletter posts of my first and second structured training cycle last year, I had problems transmuting the increased volume of the volume block into increased max lifts. Comparing the average volume session, where I did something from 30 to 50 repetitions with my working weight …
moreMinimal initramfs for LUKS and LVM
I think if you do not run your system on a fully encrypted disk, you might as well hand over your data directly. If your data partition is not encrypted, one can simply boot into a live system and take your data. If your system partition is not encrypted, one …
moreGetting protein isn't that hard
Protein ain't overrated
For some reason I keep falling in the same trap every semester or so. Some source which I generally respect says something along the lines that you do not need that much protein and once you are beyond your newbie gainz, carbs become more important and the usual 2g/kg …
moreOn bottlenecks, magic bullets and optimization
Bottlenecks are ubiquitous in all areas in life. In computing they are often obvious and examine; you can often tell if your system can handle only so many requests, because it lacks one of the following:
- disk I/O
- network I/O
- storage
- processing power
- racks for new servers …
My not-todo list
Almost anyone has a todo list. However, one thing that improved my life much more is thinking about things that I should not do. It can be divided roughly in two parts. One part is mostly about avoiding toxic stuff, which has a negative impact on your life quality beyond …
moreBash autocompletion for your own scripts
Sometimes nice features hide in plain sight – e.g. tabbing in vim – and you just do not come around to using them because you are just too happy with the tools you already have. This time I am talking about autocompletion for bash scripts – I always wondered how sometimes bash …
moreThe best time management tip
The best time management tip is simply this: Do not waste your time indulging in media. But is it really so simple?
Until recently I was always quite disappointed when someone mentioned that they watch TV, thinking much lesser of them as a person, at least if they are younger …
moreDiscipline begets discipline
Life is all about choices, especially those small decisions you make daily. Or probably don't make, because you are a creature of habit. And it is not just about decisions, it is about actually carrying them out in a disciplined matter. Discipline earns people's admiration. Discipline helps you reach your …
morearXiv sanity
dead.letter: Training Cycle 2016-2
This is the post mortem of my previous training cycle. To summarize the results, the volume block went well, I failed again at picking weights at higher intensities and I lost 7kg of bodyfat over the course of seven weeks.
Base layout
This time I planned the weights over the …
Fancy chocolate coffee
Today I want to share a small and simple recipe with you, namely one for chocolate coffee. With the exception of this recipe I detest any combination of coffee and cocoa, as it usually just tates like bitter cocoa. The usual problem is that you need some kind of milk …
moreUzbl is dead, long live Otter
I hate pretty much everything about the web and especially web browsers. Since Opera decided to ditch the fabulous presto engine I was in constant despair, as Firefox and Chromium lack two of the key features I expect from any browser: Being able to disable javascript completely except for some …
moredead.letter: Training Cycle 2016-1
The week before this cycle. About any exercise I could think of that's not olympic weightlifting. Also, some olympic weightlifting.
As promised in the last post, I want to do a post mortem of my current training cycle. But first let me talk about my previous training cycle, where I …
moreman (3) repranges
Here is some documentation about some repranges I have encountered and often at least somewhat played around with. Inspiration for this post was mainly that I wanted to think of the viabilty of the APRE10 protocol for some assistance work, but then did not have the table for the weight …